information 和data作“资料”解时,前者仅指所获得、提供或描述的慨况,而不指具体的数据或资料,后者则指具体的资料。 data 是datum的复数形式,本义指作为计算和测量基础的资料。 message 指通过书写、谈话和信号等方式所进行的通讯“信息”。
1. I received your message. 我收到你的电报。
2. How to report an inappropriate message? 怎样汇报不恰当的讯息?
3. Tell him this bad message with appropriate form. 用适当的方式告诉他这个坏消息。
1. a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or signaled
2. what a communication that is about something is about v.
1. send a message to
2. send as a message
3. send a message