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    1. Note:the water for coolant shall be demineralized water without suspended matter, impure matter, unsolvable matter and corrosiveness matter.
    2. The theory of animal's subject status advocated that the subject shouldn't belong to humanity and current subject criterion should be overturned.
    3. The paper gives subject structure, area structure, organization structure, subject-organization distribution and area-subject distribution.
    4. This paper discussed subject charter of Chemical Pedagogy from social nature of education. Structure and knowledge of subject, and showed this subject is a science of education.
    5. While the subject-matter of the trilogy by placing the back of poker in the main subject of the above after color ratio on a color close to, so the customer finally signed.


    motif motive mythos subject subject matter text theme topic
    Article 8 Those employees who were subject to the Labor Standards Law prior to the enforcement of this Act and still work for the same business entity after the enforcement of this Act may choose to remain to be subject to the pension mechanism under the
    第8条 本条例施行前已适用劳动基准法之劳工,于本条例施行后仍服务于同一事业单位者,得选择继续适用劳动基准法之退休金规定。;
    subject matter
    主题; 标的; 创作的题材; 题材;
    subject matter
    主题; 标的; 创作的题材; 题材;
    Subject-matter specialist
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