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white [hwait]



    adj. 白色的;白种的;纯洁的
    n. 白色;洁白;白种人




    1. What colour is it? brown and white.
    2. White clouds float over the blue sky.
    3. The bride had a beautiful, white dress.


      1. a member of the Caucasoid race
      2. the quality or state of the achromatic color of greatest lightness (bearing the least resemblance to
      3. United States jurist appointed chief justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1910 by President
      4. Australian writer (1912-1990)
      5. United States political journalist (1915-1986)
      6. United States architect (1853-1906)
      7. United States writer noted for his humorous essays (1899-1985)
      8. United States educator who in 1865 (with Ezra Cornell) founded Cornell University and served as its
      9. a tributary of the Mississippi River that flows southeastward through northern Arkansas and southern
      10. the white part of an egg; the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk con
      11. (board games) the lighter pieces
      12. (usually in the plural) trousers made of flannel or gabardine or tweed or white cloth
      1. turn white
      2. being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of a
      3. of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration
      4. free from moral blemish or impurity; unsullied
      5. marked by the presence of snow
      6. restricted to whites only
      7. glowing white with heat
      8. benevolent; without malicious intent
      9. (of a surface) not written or printed on
      10. (of coffee) having cream or milk added
      11. (of hair) having lost its color
      12. anemic looking from illness or emotion
      13. of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets


    蓝色的; 白河; 全白色图矩阵; 白色的;
    white coffee
    牛奶咖啡; 加牛奶的咖啡; 加奶咖啡; 白咖啡;
    oyster white
    乳白色; 牡蛎白; 近于白色的浅灰; 牡蛎白,乳白色;
    White Cabbage
    包心菜; 白球甘蓝; 白菜; 椰菜;
    White Christmas
    白色圣诞; 银色圣诞; 白色圣诞节; 银白圣诞;


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