walk 最常用词,中性词,指除跑、跳之外所有移步的动作。 stride 着重步子大而且节奏有力,流露出匆忙、烦恼、得意等情绪。 stroll 多指走走停停,步子缓慢,悠闲自得,漫无目的。 strut 指大摇大摆地走,含过分自信或自高自大意味。 pace 指踱步,走步。
1. Walking for one or two hours every day is good for your heath. 每天散步一、两个小时对你的身体有好处。
2. Ghosts walk at midnight. 鬼魂在半夜出现。
3. Sometimes I walk home, sometime I ride bike. 有时我步行回家,有时我骑自行车。
1. the act of traveling by foot
2. (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls
3. manner of walking
4. the act of walking somewhere
5. a path set aside for walking
6. a slow gait of a horse in which two feet are always on the ground
7. careers in general v.
1. use one's feet to advance; advance by steps
2. traverse or cover by walking
3. accompany or escort
4. obtain a base on balls
5. live or behave in a specified manner
6. take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure
7. give a base on balls to
8. be or act in association with
9. make walk
10. walk at a pace