1. For example, when entering cadets or "plebes" are questioned by upper-class officers, they are restricted to four answers: "Yes, sir, " "No, sir, ""No excuse, sir, " and "Sir, I do not understand.

2. The aroma components of pumelo peel tea and white tea were studied in this paper, and the scenting effect of pumelo peel tea was compared and evaluated;

3. In our Japan, we the lemon peel which will truncate down will collect, will make the dried orange peel faction, sold to your China!

4. I certainly am a mixture of Robert Kincaid and Carlisle McMillan, more of Robert than Carlisle.

5. When he came to Nottingham, the Sheriff, Robert de Rainault, held a tournament in his honour, for Robert was John's man and profited by John's tyrannies.
