1. The magnitude of surge pressure produced upon shut-in after the well kicks directly decides which shut-in method to be used, soft shut-in, half soft shut-in, or hard shut-in.

2. The magnitude of surge pressure produced upon shut-in after the well kicks directly decides which shut-in method to be used, soft shut-in, half soft shut-in, or hard shut-in.

3. The magnitude of surge pressure produced upon shut-in after the well kicks directly decides which shut-in method to be used, soft shut-in, half soft shut-in, or hard shut-in.

4. The magnitude of surge pressure produced upon shut-in after the well kicks directly decides which shut-in method to be used, soft shut-in, half soft shut-in, or hard shut-in.

5. The surge pressure of overflow well shut-in impacts whether well can be shut down and the choice of well shut-in modes.
