bank 多指有一定坡度的河岸、湖岸或堤岸。 beach 指倾斜度小,被海、湖或河水冲刷而有沙或卵石积存的地方。 coast 地理学上的名词,专指被视为边界的沿海陆地的尽头。 shore 指紧靠大湖泊或海洋的陆地边缘或靠海的休养地。 seaside 尤指疗养地、游览地区的海边。
1. No, I prefer to fish from shore. 没有,我更喜欢在岸边钓鱼。
2. They began to shout towards the shore. 他们开始对着海岸喊起来。
3. Sailors in shore leave often spend money like water. 获准离船上岸的水手往往花钱如流水。
1. the land along the edge of a body of water
2. a beam or timber that is propped against a structure to provide support v.
1. serve as a shore to
2. arrive on shore
3. support by placing against something solid or rigid