1. Grasp the basic theory of organic chemistry, such as structural theory, chemical bonds, resonance theory, atomic and molecular orbital theory, and valence bond theory;

2. There are five theories about job satisfaction. They are Need Hierarchy Theory, Motivator-Hygiene Theory, Equity Theory, Expectancy Theory, and Job Characteristic Theory.

3. Its theoretical bases consist, among others, of humanism, constructivism, postmodern curriculum theory, dialogical theory, group dynamics theory, multi-reading theory, and theory of trial and error.

4. Theories in Sociology and Social Psychology, Such as the Theory of Needs and the Theory of Socialization including Role-Undertaking Theory, Situational Stimulation Theory, Social Learning Theory.

5. Grasp the basic theory of organic chemistry, such as structural theory, chemical bonds, resonance theory, atomic and molecular orbital theory, and valence bond theory;
