1. Labour says that the economy is too fragile to start fiscal retrenchment this year. 新工党认为今年经济太脆弱不适合采用紧缩的财政政策。
2. I suggest, as devil's advocate, that to count costs in the way he has, and to advise retrenchment, might be seen as encouraging America to return to isolationism. 本着针锋相对的立场,我提出如果按照他的方式计算成本,并建议紧缩开支,那似乎会让美国重新回到孤立主义。
3. Now, as a massive retrenchment of the US economy is under way, it is time to shake the mental shackles of the superpower legacy and embrace a more peripheralist agenda. 如今,随着美国经济大规模滑坡,是卸下作为一个超级大国的思想包袱,接受现实的时候了。
1. entrenchment consisting of an additional interior fortification to prolong the defense
2. the reduction of expenditures in order to become financial stable