accept 强调主动地或自愿地接受,或者说,经过考虑后同意接受。 receive 着重仅仅接到或收到这一支轮船或事实,而不含采取主动或积极行动的意思。 admit 作“接受”讲时,强调准许或批准。 take 与receive同意,是receive的日常用法,侧重不带主观意愿地收下或接受。
1. In old China,eighty per cent of the children received no formal education. 在旧中国,百分之八十的儿童受不到正式教育。
2. The best way to receive love is to give it. 接受爱的最好方法就是付出你自己的爱。
3. God is a girl, whatever you say, Do you believe it? can you receive it? 无论你说什么,上帝她就是一个女孩,你相信它吗?你能接受它吗?
1. get something; come into possession of
2. receive a specified treatment (abstract)
3. register (perceptual input)
4. go through (mental or physical states or experiences)
5. express willingness to have in one's home or environs
6. accept as true or valid
7. bid welcome to; greet upon arrival
8. convert into sounds or pictures
9. experience as a reaction
10. have or give a reception
11. receive as a retribution or punishment
12. partake of the Holy Eucharist sacrament
13. regard favorably or with disapproval