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    1. Results R(r) wave amplitude with the right forehead as the reference point was significantly larger than that with the central terminal as the reference point (P<0. 05).
    2. Newton's first law generally set up as the inertial reference frame of reference, so this law in practice, the definition of inertial reference frame of this important concept.
    3. In this paper circular uncoded targets and coded targets are used as reference points, and an algorithm of automatic reference point detection is proposed.
    4. Based on CNC table. a reference point presetting method is introduced giving a reference to NC machine to of users and makers.
    5. The result with the reference of a point at infinity was derived from a newly proposed reference electrode standardization technique (REST) based on the equivalent distributed source theory.


    reference wind load-wind reference pressure
    Blank detail specification for volt age regulator diodes and voltage reference diodes excluding temperature compensated precision reference diodes
    电压调整和电压基准二极管 (包括温度补尝精密基准二极管) 空白详细规范 (可供认证用); 电压调整和电压基准二极管 (包括温度补尝精密基准二极管) 空白具体规范 (可供认证用);
    reference wind load-wind reference pressure
    REFERENCE Reference number
    Knock test reference fuels - Reference fuel grade toluene
    爆震试验参比燃料 参比燃料级甲苯;
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