ancient 指很久以前发生或存在的事物。用于描述历史时,指远古时代。 old 指长期以来一直存在着的事物,与times连用指古代,与days连用时指从前或旧社会。 antique 指已经很古老或颇有古风的事物,一般都具有较高价值。
1. This chair is new, that chair is old. 这把椅子是新的,那把椅子是旧的。
2. "Patience is virtue" is an old saying. “忍耐是美德”是句古老的谚语。
3. His shoes are old. 他的鞋子是旧的。
1. past times (especially in the phrase `in days of old')
2. (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age
3. of long duration; not new
4. (used for emphasis) very familiar
5. just preceding something else in time or order
6. of a very early stage in development
7. old in experience
8. belonging to some prior time
9. (used informally especially for emphasis)