little 指在体积、数量、距离、年龄、身材等方面比正常的小,多带主观感情色彩,含小而可爱或小巧的意味。 small 多指数量、面积、体积、价值、数字或意义等的小或少,指略小于正常的大小。 tiny 强调与同类或其他物体比较,小得超出正常比例,有时带强烈的感情色彩。 minute 指小得难看见,有时需用显微镜才看得见。 miniature 指由正常体积微缩的物体。
1. I want my disagreement to be minuted, 我要求把我的不同意见记录下来。
2. We have five minute to talk to you? 他们有五分钟的时间跟你讲话吗?
3. To imagine even for a minute that I would do a thing like that on purpose! 怎么会想到我会有意做那件事了,哪怕这么想一分钟都是很荒唐的!
1. a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour
2. an indefinitely short time
3. a particular point in time
4. a unit of angular distance equal to a 60th of a degree
5. a short note
6. distance measured by the time taken to cover it adj.
1. infinitely or immeasurably small
2. immeasurably small
3. characterized by painstaking care and detailed examination