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    1. small group of people who come to work everyday with the mind said mindset of the how can I advanced the ide o alogical struggle against extremerism and terrorism across the world today.
    2. We really ought to stop this ego-centric, Western mindset, whereby WE are the only ones who know what is right.
    3. That kind of beg a mild mindset, ising still not to think to lend enterprisingly.
    4. That required a radical shift in corporate mindset: For the first time, Korean execs were ordered to act on key recommendations made by their American colleagues.
    5. This comes from the mindset that you want the flush draw to fold so that they can't outdraw you and win a pot that is rightfully yours.


    Tao responsorywritings and sushis mindset in emulating tao yuanming
    下一篇论文: 苏轼“和陶诗”创作及其学陶心态研究;
    The lecturing mindset
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