masculine 指有男子特征的,阳刚的。用于形容女性时,含轻蔑意味。 male 单纯指男性或雄性。 manly 指适合男子的、有男子汉气慨的。
1. Remember that all nouns in French have a feminine or masculine gender. 记住,所有的法语单词都是有性别的,阳性或是阴性。
2. Woman is compensated by a masculine element and therefore her unconscious has, so to speak, a masculine imprint. 女人被一个男性元素所补偿,因此可以说她的无意识有一种男子气的烙印。
3. Excels to the prostate gland, the prostate gland proliferation (large) and the masculine erection function barrier treatment. 擅长对前列腺、前列腺增生(肥大)及男性勃起功能障碍的治疗。
1. a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to males or to objects classified as male
2. of grammatical gender
3. associated with men and not with women
4. (music or poetry) ending on an accented beat or syllable