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    1. Subject_Topical_Eng: Pathobiology of Legal Medicine; Serology of Legal Medicine; Clinical Legal Medicine; Anthropology of Legal Medicine; Chemistry of Legal Medicine.
    2. To the east of the Alhambra fortress and residence are the magnificent gardens of the Generalife, the former rural residence of the emirs who ruled this part of Spain in the13 th and14 th centuries.
    艾勒汉卜拉堡垒和民居区的东面是风景秀美的赫内拉利费花园,公元13世纪至14世纪统治着西班牙这部分土地的 埃米尔 们就曾居住在这里。
    3. When alien come to China, they must gain the Employment Permit, Z visa, Work permit and residence permit, and then they can employment and residence in China legally.
    4. Meanwhile, China's residential construction is gradually taking shape in two patterns recently: residence in urban center and suburbanize residence.
    5. As the liquid flux increase, the curve of the liquid residence time distribution becomes higher and narrower and the mean residence time becomes shorter.


    legal residence
    法定住所; 合法居留; 依法登记的住所; 合法住所;
    legal residence
    法定住所; 合法居留; 依法登记的住所; 合法住所;
    residence of legal entities
    Legal Cogitation on Strengthening the Construction of the Legal System of Personal Credit of Our Country
    下一篇论文: 加强我国个人信用法律制度建设的法学思考;
    legal cost legal fare
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