1. Leakage to the existing multi-functional, self-styled to leakage, high water sealed the leak, bouncing to leak, the leak flap, a double to leak out at the six series.

2. In order to gain the real leak rate under simulating operating conditions, using the pressurized leak detection method of helium mass spectrometer leak detector, the accurate data are obtained.

为了直接获得工作状况下的漏率 ,在模拟工况条件下 ,采用氦质谱检漏仪正压检漏法可满足这样的要求。
3. In order to gain the real leak rate under simulating operating conditions, using the pressurized leak detection method of helium mass spectrometer leak detector, the accurate data are obtained.

为了直接获得工作状况下的漏率 ,在模拟工况条件下 ,采用氦质谱检漏仪正压检漏法可满足这样的要求。
4. In order to gain the real leak rate under simulating operating conditions, using the pressurized leak detection method of helium mass spectrometer leak detector, the accurate data are obtained.

5. Leak of flange is due to vibration by analyzing leak rule of ultra high pressure flange and comparing vibration trend of leak point.
