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    1. Types of lakes: tectonic lake, crater lake, fluvial lake, dammed lake, glacier lake, karst lake, Aeolian lake, impact crater lake and artificial lake.
    2. Types of lakes: tectonic lake, crater lake, fluvial lake, dammed lake, glacier lake, karst lake, Aeolian lake, impact crater lake and artificial lake.
    3. Bai and Su causeways divide the lake into five sections: Outer Lake , Inner Lake , Yue Lake, West Inner Lake and Small South Lake.
    4. It formed such association types as alluvial fan-fan delta-shallow coastal lake, delta front-shallow coastal lake-semi-deep lake, semi-deep lake shallow lake sedimentary system.
    5. Symbol our Sao the lake be not a great waves interest of lake, not the lake of very rough sea, is safety of lake but isn't not proper swimming of lake.


    Lake Michigan
    密歇根湖; 密西根湖; 密执安湖; 密执根湖;
    Lake Michigan
    密歇根湖; 密西根湖; 密执安湖; 密执根湖;
    Michigan Avenue
    密歇根大道; 密歇根大街; 密西根大道; 密歇根林荫道图片;
    University of michigan dearborn
    密歇根大学安娜堡校区; 密西根大学迪尔伯恩分校,;
    密歇根州; 密西根; 密西根州; 密歇根;


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