1. They defiled the house named after me by the horrid idols they set up in it. 反将可恶之物安置在归我名下的殿里,使我的殿宇受到了玷污;
2. The sickness quite departed, but succeeded by a horrid giddiness and swimming that was almost worse to bear. 病痛已经消失大半,可是接踵而来的却是一阵阵忍受不了的可怕的眼花、头晕。
3. And then we heard this…this horrid voice that I can only describe as the sound of a saw ripping through bone. 然后我们听到了这个…这个恐怖的声音,我只能将它形容成一把锯子撕裂骨头的声音。
1. exceedingly bad
2. grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror