1. Cathay Pacific said the company's gross profit ratio decreased from two main factors: the cost of coking coal coke rose sharply, resulting in gross profit per ton of space to be compressed; 国泰表示,公司毛利的环比下降主要源于两个因素:焦煤焦炭成本大幅上涨,导致吨钢毛利空间被压缩;
2. In matters of gross relationships, you recognize no in—between. " That is because gross relationships are always dyads, whereas relationships of the higher realm are invariably triads." 然而在粗糙的关系中,你却没觉知到“之间”。那是由于粗糙的关系永远是两个一组的,但较高领域的关系无一例外,都是三个一组的。
3. At the aggregate level, Shanghai Stock Price Index is related to past IPOs gross proceeds and also to future IPOs gross proceeds during the sample period. 以总体水平来说,在该样本区间内,整体价格水平(用上证综指表示)与过去新股发行总市值以及未来新股发行总市值是相关的。
4. Sustained growth in gross regional product has promoted that in consumption and investment, which, in turn, consolidates and drives growth in gross regional product. 同时,居民消费和总投资的快速、稳步增长也巩固和带动着贵州省地区生产总值的增长。
5. Overall gross margin declined by 1. 5 percentage point to 8. 38 percent, mainly because of the downward trend in gross margin business, and commercial growth in low margin faster. 总体的毛利率下降了1。5个百分点至8。38%,主要由于各项业务毛利率呈下降趋势,而且毛利率低的商业增长更快。
gross profit gross benefit 毛利总利润利益毛额;
retain varying portions of profit over and above the assigned profit norm 超额利润分成,超额利润留成;
Profit by Timing Marketing border Lag Profit Marketing 整时销售” 与“晚盈利”;