earth 指表面有陆地和水,人类所居住行星的名字。有时与“天”相对,泛指“地”。 world 通常相当于earth与globe,现多用指地球,地球上的世界,社会和人。 globe 指我们生活的地球,但强调其实体和圆形。
1. Thats the unchanging report of the entire globe. 这就是关于整个地球的不变的报告。
2. Our work spans projects in China, Asia, and across the globe. 本所在中国、亚洲和全球各地从事各种项目。
3. Now, IPSC shooting is an international sport, emphasizing safety and safe gun handling, accuracy, power, and speed, in major competitions around the globe. 现在,IPSC射击是国际体育,强调安全和保险柜枪世界各地处理,准确性、力量,和速度,在主要竞争中。
1. the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on
2. an object with a spherical shape
3. a sphere on which a map (especially of the earth) is represented