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    1. Renew a high school virtuous teach a method view, establish an education line of action and teach to teach line of action organic new method view etc. for combining.
    2. Do Bella and Edward ever find out why Edward can't read her mind, or will it always be a mystery?
    3. Do Bella and Edward ever find out why Edward can't read her mind, or will it always be a mystery?
    4. They have developed a Wuyang, Honda Wang, Wang Suzuki, Suzuki Prince Edward, Dayang, Prince Edward, and other storm aluminum alloy wheels.
    5. "I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death — if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach, " he tells Harry's class on the first day.


    Edward Teach
    爱德华·蒂奇; 爱德华·提奇 海上讨生活的船老大; 神奇的六维电子报表; 爱德华·提奇
    enlighten indoctrinate indoctrination instruction teach teaching
    enlighten indoctrinate indoctrination instruction teach teaching
    instruct teach
    训诲; 教授;
    teach Maths
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