continue 普通用词。或指持续而不停止,或有一段中断后又继续下去。 resume 指中断后的继续。 succeed 侧重指有规律地连续。 go on 通俗用词,多用于口语中。go on+-ing表暂停后继续做原事,即后继续的内容与原来的内容相同。go on+不定式指做完某事后,接着做不同的另一件事。
1. After a short break the play continued. 经过短暂的休息以后,戏继续上演。
2. Shall we continue the meeting after lunch? 我们要不要中饭后继续开会。
3. Appropriate precautions should continue to be employed. 适当的预防措施应继续沿用。
1. continue a certain state, condition, or activity
2. continue talking
3. keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last
4. move ahead; travel onward in time or space
5. allow to remain in a place or position
6. do something repeatedly and showing no intention to stop
7. continue after an interruption
8. continue in a place, position, or situation
9. span an interval of distance, space or time
10. exist over a prolonged period of time