condition 一般强调产生影响的原因或环境,复数形式指笼统的情况。 state 普通用词,指人或物在环境、外表、心灵以及健康方面的状况,或指在某一阶段的状态或形式。 status 指一个人在政治、社会、经济、法律上的地位或身份,暗含地位显要意味。也可用于指政治等事态的状况。 situation 指明确具体的环境情况或处境。 circumstance 多指周围的情况或某事发生时的情况。
1. She soon conditioned the children to the cold weather. 她很快就使孩子们适应了寒冷的天气。
2. But prosperity is a condition, not a value. 但是繁荣是一个状况,而不是价值。
3. Let my heart forever under the warm condition! 让我的心永远在温暖的状态下唷!
1. a state at a particular time
2. a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing
3. an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else
4. (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement
5. the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases `in condition' or `in shape' or `out of condit
6. information that should be kept in mind when making a decision
7. the procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable's effect by comparison with a control c v.
1. establish a conditioned response
2. train by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control
3. specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provisio
4. put into a better state
5. apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny