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    1. a high-tech enterprise, foreign invested enterprise in encouraged fields, technologically advanced enterprise with foreign investment or export-oriented enterprise with foreign investment.
    2. It will benefit the utilizing of moral standard in commercial field to find out the finitude between the moral commercial competition and immoral commercial competition.
    3. Begin giant to the suburb the research of commercial synthesis, promote the occurrence of new commercial form, raise the commercial energy of Shanghai.
    开展对郊区巨型商业综合体的研究 ,促进新的商业形式的出现 ,提高上海的商业活力。
    4. Article 5. Commercial housing built by a foreign investment property enterprise may be sold by the enterprise itself or a property transaction unit may be engaged as a sales agent.
    5. Otherwise, to develop medium-small enterprise fully give Play to improving the condition Of urea-sonal enterprise scale strUctUre and promoting large scale enterprise to growhealmp.


    where an enterprise holds or acquires the shares or capital contributions of another enterprise to an extent of morethan one- third of the total voting shares or total capital of such other enterprise
    where an enterprise holds or acquires the shares or capital contributions of another enterprise to an extent of morethan one- third of the total voting shares or total capital of such other enterprise
    where an enterprise is assigned by or leases from another enterprise the whole or the major part of the business orproperties of such other enterprise
    where an enterprise holds or acquires the shares or capital contributions of another enterprise to an extent of morethan one- third of the total voting shares or total capital of such other enterprise
    Stela Aviation Commercial Enterprise
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