1. It is for this reason that Bee advises initiates to be cognisant of the type of guidance one is receiving. 这就是蜜蜂要忠告提升者去认识你正接收的指导的类型的原因。
2. Whilst perhaps not using the term Organisational Body Language, airlines and airframe manufacturers are cognisant of the effect of image. 尽管没有用到组织肢体语言,航空公司和飞机制造商也能认识到企业形象的作用。
3. And amidst all this frantic activity, fully cognisant of our own eminent demise - which is our own pretty way of saying we all know we're gonna die - We reach out to one another. 抛开这些疯狂的状况不说,我们还都很清楚自己迟早有一天会寿终就寝——说白了就是我们知道自己早晚会死——尽管如此我们还是张开双臂接纳彼此。
1. (sometimes followed by `of') having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or percepti