1. Pale yellow bottom color of skin, rose color tinges on half of the surface. Sweat taste. 12% concentration of soluble solids. Clingstone. 果皮底色黄白,果面1/2玫瑰红色晕,果肉黄白色,硬溶质,味甜,可溶性固形物含量12%,粘核,完熟时半离核。
2. Mean malate, citrate and total acid content were significantly higher in freestone peach than in semi-freestone and clingstone peaches. Flesh texture did not affect sugar and acid contents. 不溶质、软溶质和硬溶质的糖酸组分含量没有明显差异,即果实内糖酸含量与果实的质地无关。
1. fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit