bare 指缺少必要的遮盖物。用于人时,多指身体的部分裸露。 naked 指全身一丝不挂,暴露无遗。 bald 指头上无发,山坡无树无草,树顶无叶。 barren 着重缺少肥力或生活能力,无草无木,荒瘠不毛。
1. They direct the attention of research workers to this important but barren area of mechanics. 把研究工作者的注意力引向这一重要的但是很荒疏的力学领域。
2. In this barren environment, in this lonely corner of a small bloom was so brilliant Zheduo so beautiful, so strong it is a flower ah! 在这贫瘠的环境里,在这寂寞的角落里,这朵小花开得如此灿烂如此美丽,这是一朵多么坚强的花啊!
3. And other wonders did the child, and flowers were seen to spring up beneath his feet, where there had been naught but barren ground before. 这个孩子还行使了其他奇迹,人们看见花儿在他脚底下长出来,那里以前什么也没有,只是一块荒地。
1. an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation
2. providing no shelter or sustenance
3. completely wanting or lacking
4. not bearing offspring
5. incapable of sustaining life