1. Schoenberg used atonality in the music of his middle period. 桑伯格在中期用无调性方式作曲。
2. He was also one of the few composers to bridge the gap between conventional tonality and atonality . 他也是少数一位能搭建常规调性和非调性桥梁的作曲家。
3. His early compositional style is often Romantic in character, while the middle period works lead to the atonality typical of his late music. 《前奏曲》作品一是齐玛诺夫斯基早期的钢琴作品,创作风格深受萧邦、华格纳以及德国后期浪漫主义的影响。
1. the absence of a key; alternative to the diatonic system