ascend 正式用词,指不用手攀,一直上升直到相当高的地方。 climb 普通用词,含义广泛,侧重运用手足费力地攀登或上升,也可指抽象事物。 mount 书面用词,词义与ascend相近,强调连续不断地向上移动、攀登或上涨。指骑马时用mount。
1. to ascend to the period of the First World War 追溯到第一次世界大战期间
2. Humans must clear their own problems in the choice to ascend. 人类必须在提升的选择中清理掉自己的问题。
3. This is the core problem for those desiring to ascend out of any disease. 对那些渴望来提升超越任何疾病者而言这是个核心问题。
1. travel up,
2. go back in order of genealogical succession
3. become king or queen
4. go along towards (a river's) source
5. slope upwards
6. come up, of celestial bodies