advance 主要用于具体的人或物,也可指科学技术和运动等。 progress 指按某一既定目标前进,取得发展,目的性很明确,强调经常和稳定地前进。 proceed 侧重指继续前进。 move on 非正式用语,侧重从某一停止点向某地前进,但不表示前进的目的地。 go 最常用词,含义宽泛而不确切,依上文确定其具体意思。
1. The general advanced his troops to the new position. 将军挥师前进到新阵地。
2. You can prepare the interview questions in advance. 你可以提前准备一下面试的问题。
3. Please inform our customers and arrange your work in advance. 请各部门提前安排工作,并告知相关客户。
1. a movement forward
2. a change for the better; progress in development
3. a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others
4. the act of moving forward toward a goal
5. an amount paid before it is earned
6. increase in price or value v.
1. move forward, also in the metaphorical sense
2. bring forward for consideration or acceptance
3. increase or raise
4. contribute to the progress or growth of
5. cause to move forward
6. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.
7. develop in a positive way
8. develop further
9. give a promotion to or assign to a higher position
10. pay in advance
11. move forward
12. rise in rate or price adj.
1. being ahead of time or need
2. situated ahead or going before