1. Please wash separately, hand wash or dry clean only, no machine wash.

2. What should hold private part at ordinary times is clean, do not wash communal tub, have the woman of sufficient tinea, wash foot and the towel that wash vulva, basin to want to be used apart.

3. Apple, Pear, pineapple, peeled Wash, respectively Yuanzhu spoon digging into Yuanzhu, wash water chestnuts peeled, wash Daiyong Yangmei.

4. Wash basin is offered wash a face, wash one's hands simple sanitary equipment of used pottery and porcelain having glair. Have type of overhead suspension, pillar and table.

5. Wash. man pleads guilty to raping adoptee OLYMPIA, Wash. — A man has pleaded guilty in Washington state to raping his 7-year-old adopted daughter from China.

半百美国男强暴7岁中国养女 性虐延续四年 中国日报一名男子已承认强暴他从中国领养的七岁女儿。