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    1. The paper introduce use of walk stick, kinds of walk supplementary tools, condition of using walk instrument, problems about walk stick recipe and pay attention to item.
    2. She said again what, walk together walk, don't know to when walk to return to their down stairs again, she stretched out a hand and I grasped.
    3. Walk northwardly, then walk southwardly, finally walk northwardly and you will reach the destination.
    4. Walk northwardly, then walk southwardly, finally walk northwardly and you will reach the destination.
    5. Don't walk in front of me , I may not follow , Don't walk behind me , I may not lead , Just walk beside me and be my friend . -- Albert Camus.


    come out go out strike walk out walkout
    come out go out strike walk out walkout
    walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage walk rather than ride
    Walk on thought the wind walk on thought the wind
    穿过狂风 穿过暴雨;
    walk on the side walk
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