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    1. At the same time, the boarding gate counter increased transit, transit to the value of work, speed up the turnaround time for visitors.
    2. The addition of in-house phototypesetting equipment would improve document turnaround time because documents would be keyboarded only once and proofread only once.
    3. Time was of the essence and my plan included a quick turnaround trip from and back to the airport.
    4. I had flown into Dallas for the sole purpose of calling on a client. Time was of the essence and my plan included a quick turnaround trip from and back to the airport.
    5. The 2000-2002 teams were stacked with crafty veterans, but it's a different feeling watching players who have never done it before try for the first time. We also love the quick turnaround.


    quick turnaround time
    短设计 生产周期;
    quick turnaround time
    短设计 生产周期;
    Total Turnaround Visible Skin Renewer
    宛若新生修复素; 宛若新生柔肤霜; 宛若新生; 倩碧宛若新生柔肤霜;
    Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer
    宛若新生柔肤精华露; 柔肤精华露;
    Clinique Turnaround Concentrate Visible Skin Renewer


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