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    1. There are three main types of annual flowers, hardy, half-hardy and tender.
    2. There are three main types of annual flowers, hardy, half-hardy and tender.
    3. Chapter Two deals specifically with the major arguments of the three articles that maintain that Thomas Hardy is a fatalist.
    4. Furze is a plant found all over England. It covers Egdon Heath, the forbidding wasteland in Thomas Hardy's "The Return of the Native, " and when I first read the novel, many years ago.
    5. A region of southwest England on the English Channel. Part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was used as the setting for many of Thomas Hardy's novels.


    Thomas Hardy
    托马斯·哈代; 英国小说家汤玛斯.哈代; 托马斯哈代; 阿尔迪;
    Far From The Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy
    远离尘嚣》 托马斯·哈代; 远离尘嚣》托马斯·哈代; 远离尘嚣》 托马斯.哈代;
    Thomas Hardy
    托马斯·哈代; 英国小说家汤玛斯.哈代; 托马斯哈代; 阿尔迪;
    Hardy Boys
    哈迪兄弟; 哈代男孩; 哈代兄弟; 顽强的男孩;
    Andy Hardy Meets Debutante
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