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    1. The efficiency advantage indicators, scale advantage indicators, and aggregate advantage indicators of crops in different areas are analyzed.
    2. Enternet, you can take my bless, take my miss, take my care, take my gentel, but, can you take my tears fall down on the keyboard???
    3. Seek a minimal positive integer, it takes advantage of that the day afer tomorrow is a complete square number with 2 , take advantage of that the day afer tomorrow is a complete cube with 3.
    4. He said that the core elements of the strategy are two-fold : First, to take full advantage of the asset management company's own advantage, funds from the stable, mature properties transferred out;
    5. With advantage painting project limited company take with advantage group as technical parent substance.


    take advantage of the technological opportunities and economies of scale in our defense spending to transform NATO military forces so that they dominate potential aggressors and diminish our vulnerabilities
    to take advantage of
    利用; 把握; 利用占...的便宜;
    take full advantage of
    make the best of make the most of take full advantage of
    The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities
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