1. Then he delivered to the escort, drunk and sober, a receipt for the escorted and requested him to dismount . 然后,他交给护送者--虽然喝醉了酒但是还清醒--一个被护送者的收条,而且叫他下马。
2. Late at night, if feel sleepy, take awl stabbed his thigh, it will be able to remain sober. 夜深的时候,如果觉得自己困了,就拿锥子刺自己的大腿,这样就能保持清醒。
3. In lonesome March, on beetling rocks stands the sober Dragon King Shrine confronted by the Rainbow Viewing Bridge &the Rainbow Viewing Waterfall. 时值寂寥的三月,简朴的「龙王神社」屹立在突出的岩石上,与一静一动的「虹见桥」与「虹见瀑布」对峙相望。
4. He wore a sober suit that befitted the occasion. 他穿着“一”“套”与那样的场合相称的素净衣服。
5. He wore a sober suit that befitted the occasion. 他穿著一套与那样的场合相称的素净衣服。
sober sober down 变严肃;
appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober appeal from drunk to Philip sober 请求复审;
appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober appeal from drunk to Philip sober 请求复审;