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    1. The above-said let-off motion can meet the requirement of weft on warp let-off, and more the let-off can he fine tuned as well keeping constant tension of warp let-offs.
    2. The above-said let-off motion can meet the requirement of weft on warp let-off, and more the let-off can be fine tuned as well, keeping constant tension of warp let-offs.
    3. The above-said let-off motion can meet the requirement of weft on warp let-off, and more the let-off can he fine tuned as well keeping constant tension of warp let-offs.
    4. Excellent book allows us to enjoy laughter, let us solemnly thought, let's go all out, let us dare to create.
    5. Let us not repeat past errors. Let us not hope that a credit-fuelled consumption binge will save us. Let us invest in the future, instead.


    let it have its swing let things go hang let things rip let things slide
    let it have its swing let things go hang let things rip let things slide
    let it have its swing let things go hang let things rip let things slide
    let it have its swing let things go hang let things rip let things slide
    let it have its swing let things go hang let things rip let things slide
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