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    1. External milestones or major milestones typically occur at the end of major phases of work and are associated with the completion of major deliverables.
    2. In this paper the major cone and the strict major cone in real infinite-dimensional linear space is introduced, through which we define the major-order, and their properties are also discussed.
    3. Summary Of Purpose/Major Responsibilities(Briefly describe in two to three sentences the major/overall purpose of the job/ why it exists and what are the major expected results.
    4. John and Alicia Nash live in Princeton, New Jersey. John keeps regular office hours in the Mathematics Department. He still walks to campus every day.
    5. John: Good morning. This is John Smith in Room 123. I'm getting ready to leave. Would you send a bellhop for my bags, please.


    Article 10 The Executive Yuan may establish a major marine pollution incident handling task force in order to handle major marine pollution incidents
    第10条 为处理重大海洋污染事件,行政院得设重大海洋污染事件处理专案小组;
    Article 10 The Executive Yuan may establish a major marine pollution incident handling task force in order to handle major marine pollution incidents
    第10条 为处理重大海洋污染事件,行政院得设重大海洋污染事件处理专案小组;
    BSE major in Religious Education and AB major in Psychology
    John Hancock John henry autograph sign manual
    major accident
    严重事故; 重大事故; 大事故; 重大失事;
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