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    1. professional aluminum case manufacturer:cosmetic case, poker chip case, tool case, jewelry case, CD case, laptop case, and etc.
    2. We produce woolen yarn, semi-worsted yarn and knitted sweaters in any color, any composition , any count, any gage, any stitch and any style according to customer requirements.
    3. We produce woolen yarn, semi-worsted yarn and knitted sweaters in any color, any composition , any count, any gage, any stitch and any style according to customer requirements.
    4. Cosmetic Case, Tool Case, Gift Box, Watch Box, Stationery Case, CD Case, Silver Plated Products Packaging Materials.
    5. We want to buy Cosmetic Case, Tool Case, Gift Box, Watch Box, Stationery Case, CD Case, Silver Plated Products Packaging Materials.


    Article 39 The court may overrule any settlement or intermediation if it discovers any fact of domestic violence in the course of litigation or intermediation unless provided with any of the following events
    第39条 (得进行和解或调解之情形)法院于诉讼或调解程序中如认为有家庭暴力之情事时,不得进行和解或调解,但有下列情形之一者,不在此限;
    Any act aimed at interfering with any systems of communication or any other facilities or installations of the Republic of China
    pencil case stationery box stationery case writing case
    pencil case stationery box stationery case writing case
    pencil case stationery box stationery case writing case
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