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    1. This county still builds city to be at ease demonstrative base 3, be at ease bibcock processes a business 3, mouth of the snib outside be at ease 10, register produce trademark 40 many.
    2. She neither sentimentalized the Chechen rebels nor demonized the Russian conscripts—ill-armed, ill-fed and ill-led—who have crushed the Chechens' half-baked independence.
    3. Stop and think of the word: dis-ease. Hyphenate the word. Thats a body thats not at ease.
    4. Four windows bar type yoke –to promote air cooling of the packing chamber area, ease access to the pressure seal bonnet and ease disassemble the whole valve as in-line condition.
    5. At the least, clarify the relative preferences for various attributes, such as ease of use over ease of learning.


    at ease coziness ease
    ill at ease
    不安的; 不安,不适; 拘束 , 不自在 , 局促不安 , 不痛快; 不自在;
    be ill at ease
    不自在,困窘; 不好意思;
    feel ill at ease
    不畅快,拘谨; 局促不安, 心神不宁; 感到不自在;
    She was ill at ease
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