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    1. While the electron intercalates and deintercalates easily due to the smaller energy that orbit leaps from the HOMO orbit to the LUMO orbit.
    最高占有轨道(HOMO)到最低空轨道(LUMO)的跃迁能很小, 电子较易进行嵌入和脱出。
    2. The orbit of Halley's Comet prolate very much on point beyond the orbit of Neptune, but a recent point in the orbit of Venus.
    3. In automatic mechanism selection system based on orbit, orbit characteristics and dimension parameters of key orbit segments are momentous for selecting mechanisms.
    4. The orbit of Halley's Comet prolate very much on point beyond the orbit of Neptune, but a recent point in the orbit of Venus.
    5. the angular distance of a celestial point measured westward along the celestial equator from the zenith crossing;


    celestial bodies
    天体; 有天体;
    天的; 天上的; 天空的; 天的,天体的;
    celestial sphere
    天球; 天体; 天球,浑象; 天球 (天文);
    celestial body
    天体; 精妙体; 天体 条约法
    celestial mechanics
    天体力学; 引力天文学; 天体力学 (天文); 天体力学 文康体育;
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